Published by the renowned, albeit now shuttered artist collective Asymbol, in conjunction with Red Bull Media House, The Fourth Phase Book, is for lack of a better description, beautiful. The ultra glossy, exagerated format is fitting considering it's inspiration was a film as grandiouse and over the top as any snowboarding epic to hit the screen.
For those unfalimiar with The Fourth Phase Film, the 90-minute feature follows snowboarding's ultimate alpha, Travis Rice, as he spends 4-years navigating the Northern Hemisphere inspired by the hydrological cycle of water. At each waypoint Travis and his equally talented colleagues bring the most cutting edge image capture techniques to bear as they push the limits of what is humanly possible when descending the slopes sideways. Every name on the marquee and each mention in the extended credits represcents an individual at the top of their craft.
While the moving pictures are, well moving, there was a host of equally talented photographers capturing the crew every step of the way and The Fourth Phase Book provides them with an ideal platform to display their still images.
The Fourth Phase Book will class up any coffee table and provide readers with a repository of anecdotes and imagery to satiate even the most discerning snowboarding media pallet.
Featuring the photography of Aaron Blatt, Scott Serfac, Mike Yoshida, Tim ZImmerman and more.
- 16.5″ x 10.2″
- 220 Pages
- Smyth sewn, lay-flat binding
- CMYK PMS 877 Silver OA Coating / UV Press
- 100 lb. Sappi McCoy Silk Stock
- Includes 88 Page 4.5″ x 6″ Field Guide
- Printed in the USA